Writings ✎

Born in Philadelphia, PA in 1988, S.Frosty started out at age 7 writing stories and rhymes in marble composition books. In 2006, he began to attend (then, later, heavily volunteer) at the youth arts programs held at The Rotunda of the University of Pennsylvania. Taking his creative writing as more of a therapeutic hobby, he publicized hundreds of poetic pieces via social media websites (such as Facebook), 2007 to the present.

After years as a spoken word artist, stage host, writer, and creative consultant, he launched his website www.SFrosty.com in 2014, featuring his creative writing and social commentary. S.Frosty carries on as a impassioned connector of the disenfranchised to resources and a ‘round the-way’ kind of fellow who skillfully establishes and maintains a relationships from ‘the street to the elite’.

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